English for beginners: Vol 1

Book Cover: English for beginners: Vol 1
Editions:ePub - First: $ 4.00
Size: 14.80 x 21.00 cm
Pages: 100

Synopsis: is a comprehensive English language textbook that provides an in-depth approach to learning English. With a focus on understanding grammar, expanding vocabulary, and honing communication skills, this book is designed to assist readers from diverse backgrounds in effectively enhancing their English language proficiency.Each chapter in the book covers relevant and essential topics in understanding English, ranging from the fundamentals of grammar to more advanced levels. With clear explanations, relevant usage examples, and practical exercises, readers will be systematically guided to master various aspects of the English language.The book also offers a variety of practical activities such as writing exercises, listening comprehension tasks, and speaking practice designed to improve overall communication skills. With an application-oriented approach, readers will feel more confident in using English in real-life situations.With “English for Beginners “ readers will gain a deeper understanding of the English language and become more adept at communicating in this powerful language.

ISBN                        : 978-623-09-9857-7
No. Jil. Lengkap: 978-623-09-9858-4

Ukuran : 14,8 x 21

Jumlah Halaman : 100

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